Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Finding New Sources of Income

The basic premise of gaining wealth is to spend less than you earn. Controlling spend demonstrates great stewardship of what has been provided to us. We've said before that no matter how much a person earns, we have the capacity to always spend a little more than that! We've all heard stories of movie stars and professional athletes who made millions but died paupers, or wound up in jail because they couldn't afford to pay their taxes! We MUST control what we spend.

New Sources of Income
A lot of people feel stuck in their jobs. Some are afraid to change jobs. Some people are holding out for retirement ten or fifteen years away. There are lots of ways of increasing income in our present jobs usually, and outside of our jobs, our hobbies and other interests can often open up new doors to earning more. Key to the increase is always our willingness to give. Giving our offerings over and above the 10% tithe "opens the windows of heaven." The following ideas are simply some ways that those blessings can come through the window into your life.

Many of the ideas below relate to earning extra money at a job. In Proverbs 16:3 it calls for God's people to "Commit your works unto the Lord . . ." In my experience it is usually impossible to distinguish people on that basis. I've even experienced people who felt that they didn't need to work as hard because they had a higher calling on their lives. My belief is that the correct understanding of that scripture is for us to distinguish ourselves in the workplace because of our attitudes and work ethic.

As you enter your workplace consider:

* Do you work hard and smart all the time you're being paid to be there?
* Are you thinking of ideas to make your company more successful?
* Do you help others be successful by encouraging them or lending a hand?
* When you see something wrong, do you complain or do you present a possible solution?
* Do you often volunteer to help or go the extra mile to make sure the job is done right?
* Do you avoid the attitude and expression "it's not my job!" ?
* Do you honor your boss and respect your peers, even when they may be wrong?
* Are you seeing the affirmation of these attributes in your performance reviews?

Consider those work ethic opportunities and start making them part of your daily way of working. Now look at the list below to see where those "heavenly windows" might overflow into your life.

1 Work Overtime – if your job allows overtime, consider taking advantage of it whenever possible.

2 Ask for More Money – most people NEVER negotiate their salaries after they start working. Negotiation should be done tactfully, but can make a huge difference. Note that by embracing the attitude and work ethics described above, your ability to negotiate successfully for more money will be increased dramatically!

3 Increase your Knowledge and Skill – make yourself more valuable to your current or future employer. Often your employer will pay for it.

4 Job Changes or Promotions – Don’t get stuck thinking that the job you have is the only one you can do. You have valuable skills and knowledge that others are willing to pay for. Consider other opportunities. Consider promotions. Don’t be afraid to look.

5 Hobbies can become a small business – do you have hobbies that lend themselves to a small business? Opening a business has never been easier because of the internet and many people have used a hobby to become business owners with all of the tax advantages and extra income it provides.

6 Network, Network, Network – the majority of people get new jobs because of someone they know. Personal contacts and relationships open more doors than any other activity. Networking is also a great source of knowledge and expertise. It is possibly the most powerful tool in your arsenal for moving ahead.

Six Ways to Increase Your Income (audio clip)

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