Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Converting your Dreams to Goals

From the September 28, 2008 Meeting

Everything great starts with a dream; a vision of what could be. Like faith, a dream is something we can see in our mind’s eye, but don’t yet have the evidence of in hand yet. Too many people stop at the dream stage and nothing happens. It becomes a “hope” or a “nice to have” that in most cases will never come to be.

Only when we convert our dreams into goals can we begin ordering our steps; the events in our lives, to reach them.

In Success Is Not An Accident, Chapter 3, Newberry covers some excellent points and practices around setting goals:

The Importance of Goal Setting – pg 57
Here’s the proof – pg 58-59
The Top Ten Reasons for Setting Goals in your Life – pg 61
Psychological Blocks to Goal Setting – pg 63
Seven Reasons People Don’t Set Goals – pg 65

Eight Rules for Highly Effective Goals – pg 66-76

1. Highly effective goals are WRITTEN
2. Highly effective goals are stated in the present tense
3. Highly effective goals are stated positively
4. Highly effective goals are consistent with your Personal Mission Statement (and Core Values)
5. Highly effective goals are specific and measurable
6. Highly effective goals are time bound
7. Highly effective goals are reasonable and challenging
8. Highly effective goals are thoroughly planned

The Goal Setting Workshop – pg 76

Eight Steps to setting goals
1. Brainstorm you dreams
2. Create your ideal lifestyle
3. Take a three-year leap
4. Convince yourself
5. Plan on Paper
6. List available resources
7. List potential obstacles
8. Identify ways to overcome obstacles

Daily Work Discussion Audio

Get it on the Calendar Audio

John Goddard Audio

Success Is Not an Accident Chapter 3 Audio

Blanchard's Research and Evaluation Audio

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