Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mission Statements and Core Values

In the August 31st meeting of the New 3% Club we discussed Mission Statements and Core (Governing) Values. The audio clips of the session are linked below.

Everyone agreed that this process was forcing us to be very introspective as we sought to identify and understand what our purpose was in this world. Most people spend their lives being swept along by circumstance and chance. They become very good at reacting to those things but often do little to anticipate and avoid them. As Christians, we might look at those events as opportunities to "exercise our faith," and certainly they are! How much better is it though, to recognize the path God has destined for us and to prayerfully make the twists and turns guided by His hand at evert step! That is a goal worth pursuing!

Core (Governing) Values
This first step is to determine what your Core Values are and write down what they are and what they mean to you. The examples from Hyrum Smith's book "The 10 Laws" contain many samples that will help you through this process. You still have to personalize them, to make them yours.

With a clear foundation of Core Values, and with a Mission Statement it is possible to dream and consider what the fulfillment of those values could look like in 15 or 20 years. Will your children attend an ivy league college? Will your family grow stronger and closer? Will your physical condition and appearance improve over time? Will you start a missions outreach in a remote land? Will you be living where you are now? Will much of your time be spent in ministry? Will you have a family retreat at the beach? Will you simplify your life with less material obligations? What are your dreams?

Remember that when you're on God's path for your life ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! "All things" is BIG. "All things" is probably more than you can even dream right now, but try, and start moving along that ever-clearing pathway.

Please continue to refine your Values and Mission Statement, and begin to dream again. God gives men Visions and Dreams. Seek Him to know yours!

The following are the audio clips from our Sunday August 31st session:

Mission Statements Discussion Audio

Core (Governing) Values with the Hyrum Smith Clip Audio

Homework for Next Meeting (Sept 14th) Audio

Please note that there is no meeting next week (first Sunday). The next meeting will be Sept 14th, at 8AM.

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